Awesomeness Has Flavor
Just a person trying to find a little awesome within this world.
New Naruto and Bleach
The latest manga chapters have been released and. . . well.

Naruto was good, the twist where his mom showed up was interesting and it hasn't fallen into the predictable rut that most popular manga are in nowadays. Personally my opinion on naruto is, whenever it's focused on the titular it's consistently good. However the second it switches back to Emosuke it all goes to crap. So far Naruto's battle against his inner demon is going well, kind of like bleach's did. Oh shounen cliche.

Bleach was. . . ugh. I'm one of those people who are reading Naruto and Bleach to watch it end. I like Bleach, but it's just dragging on. Pick a plot and stick with it, stop pulling new twists out of your ass. This is pretty much the fifth aizen fake-out, we all know that everybody else is going to fail and ichigo will be forced to step in and win, he's the main character. STop taunting us repeatedly with the fact that Aizen is untouchable and every attempt to destroy him is useless. We get the damn picture! Seriously every plot twist within the last fifty chapters has been either an ass-pull or just plain stupid. WHy would Aizen kill off his own troops, theres overconfidence and then stupidity, it has been established that Aizen is a tactical genius who would see how pointless it was to kill harribel. Ah well, hopefully ichigo will go all hollow again and we can just watch the coolness and ignore everything else.

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